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Global warming

Steen Ulrik Johannessen/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Updated: July 26, 2012

Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. Warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests.

Global emissions of carbon dioxide jumped by the largest amount on record in 2010, upending the notion that the brief decline during the recession might persist through the recovery. Emissions rose 5.9 percent in 2010, according to the Global Carbon Project, an international collaboration of scientists. The increase solidified a trend of ever-rising emissions that scientists fear will make it difficult, if not impossible, to forestall severe climate change in coming decades.

However, the technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved before a concerted worldwide effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, particularly in the face of a global economic slowdown.

For almost two decades, the United Nations has sponsored annual global talks, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, an international treaty signed by 194 countries to cooperatively discuss global climate change and its impact. The conferences operate on the principle of consensus, meaning that any of the participating nations can hold up an agreement.

The conflicts and controversies discussed are monotonously familiar: the differing obligations of industrialized and developing nations, the question of who will pay to help poor nations adapt, the urgency of protecting tropical forests and the need to rapidly develop and deploy clean energy technology.

But the meetings have often ended in disillusionment, with incremental political progress but little real impact on the climate. The negotiating process itself has come under fire from some quarters, including the poorest nations who believe their needs are being neglected in the fight among the major economic powers. Criticism has also come from a small but vocal band of climate-change skeptics, many of them members of the United States Congress, who doubt the existence of human influence on the climate and ridicule international efforts to deal with it.

Political Paralysis in the United States

On the day he clinched the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, Barack Obama declared that future generations would look back and say, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” He made addressing climate change, domestically and as part of a concerted international effort, a central tenet of his campaign platform and a top priority of his first year in office.

Then the president backed off, hamstrung by an economic crisis and implacable opposition from Republicans, who were cheered on and financed by their ideological allies and fossil fuel companies. International talks organized by the United Nations made scant progress, not least because the United States was unwilling to accept a binding accord unless it required comparable emissions cuts by all countries regardless of their stage of economic development.

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RELATED: More About Global Warming From The Learning Network

Retreating Ice

Erin Aigner, Jonathan Corum, Vu Nguyen/The New York Times
Arctic Melt Unnerves the Experts

Scientists are unnerved by this summer?s massive polar ice melt, its implications and their ability to predict it.


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Get It Right on Gas
Get It Right on Gas

We can have a natural gas revolution that transforms our whole country or one that just transforms the electric grid. What’s it going to be?

August 04, 2012, Saturday

Is It Hot Enough for Ya?
Is It Hot Enough for Ya?

This summer’s extreme weather offers an opportunity to change the way our country deals with the environment, and to lock in public acceptance of climate change.

August 04, 2012, Saturday

Who Are Your Sources?

People’s receptivity to climate messages depends to a large degree on where they stand on a scale of belief in climate change, from dismissive to alarmed.

August 3, 2012

Slowing Down (East)

A shift to slow blogging during a journey Down East.

August 2, 2012

Facts Are Offensive

The scientific consensus on climate change offends Jeff Sessions.

August 2, 2012

Wide Differences Found in Large Buildings’ Power Use

If the worst-performing large buildings in the city improved their efficiency to just average, the city’s energy consumption could decline by at least 18 percent.

August 02, 2012, Thursday

Strong Storms Threaten Ozone Layer Over U.S., Study Says

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July 26, 2012, Thursday

The Endless Summer

Here’s what American exceptionalism means now: on a per-capita basis, we either lead or come close to leading the world in consumption of resources, production of pollutants and a profound unwillingness to do anything about it. We may look back upon this year as the one in which climate change began to wreak serious havoc, yet we hear almost no conversation about changing policy or behavior. President Obama has done nicely in raising fuel averages for automobiles, but he came into office promis…

July 19, 2012, Thursday

British Close Case on Climate E-mails, With No Suspects

British police concluded that the hacking of messages from the University of East Anglia’s climate change research institute was carried out by an unknown outsider.

July 19, 2012, Thursday

Alaskan Salmon Evolve Along With the Climate
Alaskan Salmon Evolve Along With the Climate

Researchers have found genetic evidence that temperature-driven changes in migration and reproduction behaviors may be evidence of natural selection at work.

July 17, 2012, Tuesday

For Climbers, Risks Now Shift With Every Step

TALKEETNA, Alaska — At 16,400 feet on Mount McKinley, Eric Roche looked toward the summit, still nearly 4,000 feet distant through deep and perilous snow. Then he looked at the picture of his wife and son, mounted on his ice ax and carried through two weeks of climbing. And he changed his mind. He would go home. ”The avalanche risk seemed too great,” he said last week as he unpacked his kit in this small town at the foot of McKinley in south-central Alaska. ”I feel good about the decisi…

July 15, 2012, Sunday

For Climbers, Risks Now Shift With Every Step
For Climbers, Risks Now Shift With Every Step

In climbing lore, coming back down the mountain safely, rather than reaching the summit, is the ultimate measure of success. Around the world this year, it has been a bad season in that respect.

July 15, 2012, Sunday

The Heat Wave and Global Warming

The recent heat wave raises the question, again, of whether extreme weather can be attributed to human-induced climate change. The answer is yes.

July 11, 2012, Wednesday

Global Warming Makes Heat Waves More Likely, Study Finds

Researchers around the world studied six extreme weather events from 2011 and published the results in six months.

July 11, 2012, Wednesday

Steep Fuel Prices Driving Push for Efficient Aircraft
Steep Fuel Prices Driving Push for Efficient Aircraft

Europe’s effort to make international air carriers pay for their greenhouse gas emissions may have less effect on pollution than the high price of fuel, which is already forcing airlines to become more efficient.

July 09, 2012, Monday

The Fires This Time

CASCADE, Colo. NATURE makes a mockery of our vanity. We live in flood and fire zones, nurture stately oaks and take shade under pines holding the best air of the Rocky Mountains. We plant villas next to sandstone spires called the Garden of the Gods, and McMansions in Virginia stocked with people who have the world at their fingertips.

July 08, 2012, Sunday

‘Blame-ologists’ and the Colorado Fires

A free market defender, dislocated by Colorado fires, uses the tactics she criticizes in others in commenting on the disaster.

July 7, 2012

Destructive Derecho Tracked by Satellite

A satellite captures the birth and track of an amazingly destructive storm system.

July 5, 2012

District by District, Climate Change in Los Angeles

A projection of conditions at mid-century factors in the interplay between the desert, mountains, wind and fog.

July 5, 2012

Coral Rebounded From Hostile Climate Millenniums Ago, Study Suggests
Coral Rebounded From Hostile Climate Millenniums Ago, Study Suggests

Researchers who took core samples from reefs off the coast of Panama found that the reefs effectively experienced a growth hiatus during a period of climatic extremes.

July 10, 2012, Tuesday

Can China Follow U.S. Shift from Coal to Gas?

Can China follow the American pattern and cut warming emissions through a shift from coal to gas?

July 4, 2012

A Carbon Tax, Sensible for All

A carbon tax is an opportunity to reduce existing taxes, clean up the environment and increase personal freedom and energy security.

July 05, 2012, Thursday

A Climate Scientist Battles Time and Mortality

COLUMBUS, Ohio — One day in 1991, high in the thin, crystalline air of the Peruvian Andes, Lonnie G. Thompson saw that the world’s largest tropical ice cap was starting to melt. It was the moment he realized that his life’s work had suddenly become a race. The discovery meant other ice caps were likely to melt, too, and the tales of past climate that they contained could disappear before scientists had a chance to learn from them.

July 03, 2012, Tuesday

Lonnie Thompson, Climate Scientist, Battles Time and Mortality
Lonnie Thompson, Climate Scientist, Battles Time and Mortality

Lonnie G. Thompson, one of the scientists who essentially discovered global warming, has for years climbed mountains to gather ice he examines for climatic changes.

July 03, 2012, Tuesday

Life and Death of the Beach

Beaches have gone from backdrops of death to sunny, idyllic spots to imperiled expanses.

June 30, 2012, Saturday

Pondering a Link Between Forest Fires and Climate Change

Scientists discuss the extent to which extreme heat and wildfires in the West can be attributed to climate change.

June 28, 2012

Federal Appeals Court Upholds CO2 Rules

A federal appeals court upholds rules restricting carbon dioxide as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act.

June 26, 2012

Cooking the Planet or the Self, an Uneasy Choice

The rising demand of air-conditioners among India’s middle classes to sustain the soaring temperatures, could worsen global warming.

June 25, 2012

Rio+20 Conference Ends, With Some Progress on the Sidelines
By SIMON ROMERO and JOHN M. BRODER; Simon Romero reported from Rio de Janeiro, and John M. Broder from Washington. Taylor Barnes contributed reporting from Rio de Janeiro

The meeting produced no enforceable environmental commitments, but showed the growing capacity of organizations and corporations to mold effective action without the blessing of governments.

June 24, 2012, Sunday

After Rio+20, We Have to Solve the Earth’s Problems

Government progress on the environment is slow, but the world’s people can assert their will and power to fix our problems.

June 23, 2012, Saturday

Relief in Every Window, but Global Worry, Too

The potential cooling demands of upwardly mobile Mumbai have been estimated to be a quarter of those of the United States.

June 21, 2012

Relief in Every Window, but Global Worry Too

In the ramshackle apartment blocks and sooty concrete homes that line the dusty roads of urban India, there is a new status symbol on proud display. An air-conditioner has become a sign of middle-class status in developing nations, a must-have dowry item. It is cheaper than a car, and arguably more life-changing in steamy regions, where cooling can make it easier for a child to study or a worker to sleep.

June 21, 2012, Thursday

The Great Thaw
The Great Thaw

Is Antarctica hostile to humans or in need of them? The answer may surprise you.

June 22, 2012, Friday

Get to Know Twitter: New User FAQ

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People write short updates, often called “Tweets” of 140 characters or fewer. These messages are posted to your profile, sent to your followers, and are searchable on Twitter search.

Do I need anything special to use it?

All you need to use Twitter is an internet connection or a mobile phone. Join us here! Once you’re in, begin finding and following accounts whose Tweets interest you. We’ll recommend great accounts once you’re signed up.

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What does it mean to follow someone on Twitter?

Following someone means you’ve chosen to subscribe to their Twitter updates. When you follow someone, every time they post a new message, it will appear on your Twitter home page. Read morehere.

How do I know who I’m following?

After you click the ‘Follow’ button on someone’s profile, you’re following them. See a list of people you’re following by clicking on the following link on your profile page or on your home page’s sidebar.

How do I know who is following me?

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What are follow limits?

Twitter has follow and update limits for stability and abuse control. You can read more about thishere.

Who reads my updates?

Your followers read your Tweets. If your Tweets are public, anyone who runs a search for a keyword in your Tweet may be able to see that message. Your Tweets are public by default; if you’re hesitant to have people you may not know read your updates, protect your Tweets to approve followers and keep your updates out of search.

Can I block people from following me?

Yes, you can. If you block someone, they won’t be able to follow you or send you any messages. Read more here.

How can I send updates to Twitter?

Read our article about how to post a Tweet. You can tweet from, from your phone, or from an application.

Can I put my Twitter updates on my blog?

Yes! Put a Twitter widget on your blog or website – anywhere that accepts Javascript or HTML.

What are @replies?

If a message begins with @username, meaning it was directed to another user, it is an @reply. Click the Reply button on another person’s Tweet to reply to it. Please note that if your Tweets are protected, users who are not following you will not see your @replies or mentions. Read more here. 

What are direct messages?

Direct messages are personal messages sent from one Twitter account to another; they do not appear in public for anyone else to read. You can only send a direct message to a person who follows you. Read more here.

What is the difference between an @reply and a direct message?

An @reply is a public message sent regardless of follow-ship. Anyone can view it (if your Tweets are public). A direct message can only be sent by someone you follow, and can only be seen by the sender and intended recipient.

Can I edit a Tweet once I’ve posted it?

No. Once a Tweet has been posted, it can’t be changed. You can delete an Tweet by clicking the trash icon on the right end of it.

What’s a Retweet (RT)?

retweet is a re-posting of someone else’s Tweet. Read more here.

Why can’t I see all my Tweets? Are they lost?

We store all your Tweets. However, we currently only allow you to see the 3200 most recent Tweets you have posted via your account.

How do I post a picture to Twitter?

Uploading and sharing images on is easy! You can find step-by-step instructions and more FAQ here.

Is there a Twitter API?

Yes, complete with documentation and an active developer group to help you with common API questions. Find our more at

I’m an app developer, how do I get whitelisted?

Get more information here on what API access you may need, and how to request whitelisting.

Does Twitter allow HTML in Tweets?

No. We escape all HTML for security purposes. If you paste in a link that is less than 30 characters, we’ll post it in its entirety. If it’s longer than 30 characters, we’ll convert it to a shorter URL.

How do I report spam?

We have a whole article about how to report spam on Twitter. Please read it. We encourage you to always block any spammers you find.

Why are accounts suspended?

Accounts are suspended for Terms of Service violations or spam investigation. Read more about thishere.

Where can I find out more information about Twitter’s Terms of Service?

Twitter’s Terms of Service is posted on the website, and the Twitter Rules are posted in the Help Center.

How do I submit a complaint about copyright, impersonation, trademark, or other Terms of Service issues?

Review our Terms of Service section to find out what constitutes a violation, and how to go about fixing a related problem.

Is there a place where I can find out if there are problems with Twitter?

Yes. Check the Something’s Not Working section, read the Twitter Status Blog, or follow @support.

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BOM bunuh diri di masjid Polresta Cirebon!

Hari ini Jumat (15/4) siang saat menjelang shalat Jumat. Terjadi aksi bom bunuh diri di depan masjid yang berada di lingkungan Markas Kepolisian Resor Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Korban mencapai puluhan orang yang dinyatakan terluka, satu di antara korban adalah Kapolresta Cirebon AKBP Herukoco. Sedangkan tersangka pembawa bom tewas di tempat kejadian.

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Hina Tsunami Jepang, Koran Malaysia Dikecam

Karikatur koran Malaysia (Foto: Istimewa) KUALA LUMPUR – Sebuah surat kabar Malaysia meminta maaf karena telah memuat karikatur tokoh superhero Jepang Ultraman yang mencoba menyelamatkan diri dari kejaran gelombang tsunami. Warga Malaysia memberikan reaksi keras kepada surat kabar berbahasa melayu Berita Harian yang memuat karikatur tersebut. Kritik bermunculan melalui situs jejaring sosial seperti Twitter dan Facebook. Sementara itu, beberapa tokoh politik menyerukan untuk memboikot koran tersebut. Pernyataan permintaan maaf tersebut dikeluarkan pada situs resmi Berita Harian dan pada situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter dikatakan, Berita Harian tidak berniat untuk mengolok-olok bencana gempa dan tsunami yang menghantam Jepang. Demikian dikutip dari Associated Press, Senin (14/3/2011). Surat kabar tersebut mengungkapkan rasa simpatinya dan menyatakan ikut merasakan penderitaan rakyat Jepang. Surat kabar Berita Harian memuat gambar karikatur dalam kolom editor yang menggambarkan tokoh superhero Jepang Ultraman mencoba menyelamatkan diri dari kejaran gelombang tsunami pada Minggu 13 Maret. (rhs)


Berita Ujian nasional 2011 terbaru

Ujian Nasional 2011. Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (Kemendiknas) sudah menetapkan Jadwal pelaksanaan ujian nasional 2011 untuk tingkatSMP dan SMA. Ujian Nasional 2011 untuk tingkatSMP berlangsung pada tanggal 25-28 April 2011, sedangkan Ujian Nasional 2011 untuk tingkat SMA diadakan pada tanggal 18-21 April mendatang.
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Lucky-Jazon Mraz

Do you hear me,
I’m talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I’m trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

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Lagu terpopuler saat ini

  1. DMasiv – Jangan Menyerah
  2. Mikha Tambayong – Cinta Pertama (OST Kepompong)
  3. ST 12 – Isabella (Slow Version)
  4. Geisha – Jika Cinta Dia
  5. Ungu – Dilema Cinta
  6. The Potter – Keterlaluan
  7. Opick ft Amanda – Maha Melihat (Ost.Manohara)
  8. Vierra – Bersamamu
  9. Mbah Surip – Bangun Tidur Lagi
  10. Lyla – Bernafas Tanpamu
  11. Saykoji – Online
  12. The Dance Company – Papa Rock N Roll
  13. Numata – Begini Begitu
  14. Adrian Martadinata – Ajari Aku
  15. Domino – Siapa Yang Pantas
  16. Michael Jackson – One Day In Your Life
  17. ST 12 – Kebesaranmu
  18. The Virgin – Belahan Jiwa
  19. Netral – Garuda Di Dadaku
  20. Michael Jackson – Heal The World
  21. Lyla – Kutemukan Penggantimu
  22. Michael Jackson – Ill Be There
  23. Mbah Surip – Tak Gendong
  24. Robin Hood Feat. Asmirandah – Salahkah Kita
  25. Matta – Ada Yang Marah
  26. ST12 – Cinta Tak Direstui
  27. The Virgin – Cinta Terlarang
  28. Flanella – Selamat Tinggal Cinta Pertama
  29. Gita Gutawa – Parasit


Kenapa hatiku cenat cenut tiap da kamu
Selalu peluhku menetes tiap dekat kamu
Kenapa salah tingkah tiap kau tatap aku
Selalu diriku malu tiap kau puji aku

Kenapa lidahku kelu tiap kau panggil aku
Selalu merindu romaku tyap kau sentuh aku
kenapa otakku beku tyap memikirkanmu
Selalu tubuhku lunglai tyap kau bisikan cinta

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